Advanced Messages Setup


If you are looking to setup messages per creator then follow the instructions in the Custom Announcements section.

Use the following commands to configure custom message options and test them.


The following variables are available to use in the Live and Published messages.

%TITLE% - Name of the Stream
%GAME% - Not working for YouTube
%CHANNEL% - Channel Name
%URL% - Full URL of the Stream


The following variables are available to use in the Greetings and Goodbye messages.

Name Example Usage
message live !cb message live "Your Custom Live Message" Changes your live message for the server.
message published !cb message published "Your Custom VOD Message" Changes your VOD message for the server.
message offline !cb message offline "Your Custom Offline Message" Changes your offline message for the server.
message greeting !cb message greeting "Your Custom Greeting Message" Changes your greeting message for the server.
message goodbye !cb message goodbye "Your Custom Goodbye Message" Changes your goodbye message for the server.

If you want to reset your greetings and messages (or not change them) to the default ones, use the following commands;

Name Example Usage
message live !cb message live clear Resets your live message for the server.
message published !cb message published clear Resets your VOD message for the server.
message offline !cb message offline clear Resets your offline message for the server.
message greeting !cb message greeting clear Resets your greeting message for the server.
message goodbye !cb message goodbye clear Resets your goodbye message for the server.
message offline !cb message offline "" Leaves the original announcement post without changes.

To have the message outside of the embed blank, use the following;

Name Example Usage
message live !cb message live empty Remove message outside of embed on live stream announcement.
message published !cb message published empty Remove message outside of embed on published announcement.

If you want to test your messages, use the following commands;

Name Example Usage
test live !cb test live #DiscordChannel Tests your live message for the server.
test published !cb test published #DiscordChannel Tests your VOD message for the server.
test greeting !cb test greeting Tests your greeting message for the server.
test goodbye !cb test goodbye Tests your goodbye message for the server.